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Divorce Mediation

Getting a divorce is never an easy decision to make, and the process itself is stressful and often contentious, particularly when a couple disagrees on how to separate their lives from one another. Emotions often get in the way, tempers can become heightened, and seeing the situation clearly and discussing it rationally can seem all but impossible. The situation becomes even more complicated when children are involved, and it can seem impossible to reach any sort of compromise that won’t leave both sides feeling like they got the worst end of the deal.


This is where highly skilled mediators make the difference.


SVLO’s mediation practice is dedicated to mediating family law issues surrounding divorce and staying out of court. We provide an experienced family law attorney, credentialed in mediation, to help ensure both parties in a divorce can come to a reasonable agreement that leaves both sides feeling heard and understood.

Call us today to schedule a complimentary initial consultation at (650) 695-5996.

What Is A Mediator?

A mediator is an unbiased third party who meets with both parties in a divorce and helps them find common ground through the divorce process.  SVLO would not represent either you or your spouse, and if mediation is not successful, you may still need to hire an attorney to represent you in court.

What Is Mediation?

Mediation is an informal process to assist parties in resolving their divorce outside of court. The mediator is a neutral third-party who does not represent or advocate for either party, rather helps the parties reach agreements on all the issues without litigation. The role of the mediator is to facilitate the parties’ discussion and help identify issues, needs, interests, explore alternatives and focus the discussion on resolution.  Mediators do not make decisions; agreements are only made if both parties agree. The goal of the mediator is to resolve the issues between the parties in a way that works for both sides… to reach an agreement that they can both live with. During the mediation process parties may hire their own attorneys to help advise them on the law and if a particular agreement is good for them.  It is ideal for your mediator to be an attorney who is familiar with family law, as they would then be in the best position to assist you throughout the process.


Mediation is confidential, however the agreements made during the mediation process are not binding unless a settlement agreement using the mediated terms is signed—and you may still seek litigation if some or all of the terms are not satisfactory to you.


Mediation is generally less expensive and a shorter process than working with attorneys and litigating the issues.  As divorcing couples usually share the cost of one mediator rather than separate attorneys and all the associated court costs.  It is common (recommended) for parties to retain an attorney once mediation is under way to help the party understand what’s being proposed in mediation and reach agreement. If common ground is reached, divorcing couples may never have to see the inside of a courtroom, and this can save both sides a great deal of stress, money, and time.


Through mediation, we can help you and your divorcing spouse come to an agreement about asset and debt division, spousal support, child custody, visitation, and other issues affecting the dissolution. This process may even help set the foundation for an ongoing positive relationship post-separation, whether for its own sake or for the good of your children, who are often the most likely to feel the effects of a contentious relationship between their parents.


Even if you find you cannot come to a full agreement through mediation, we can help you understand exactly what you are seeking through the separation, which may make the litigation process easier if you still feel the need to take the matter to court.

Why Choose Mediation?

Mediation is not for everyone. Mediation is not for parties with a history of domestic violence or a power imbalance. Mediation is good for parties who appear stuck with differences of opinion on how to resolve the issues and for those who want to avoid the high-cost of litigation and attempt to resolve their case outside of court.


The following are certain advantages to consider when choosing mediation:


  • Mediation allows parties more power and control over their case and may avoid unfavorable orders from a judge.

  • Mediation is often far more cost effective than litigation.

  • Mediation is a confidential process and the mediator will not disclose any information received by either party outside of their discussion.

  • Mediation can be a quicker option to settle the case by agreement.

  • Mediation allows parties to narrow the issues of disagreement that would require court involvement.

What SVLO Can Offer Clients Seeking Mediation

Silicon Valley Law Offices’ (SVLO) Mediation Practice has impartial, empathetic mediators who are highly skilled in family law issues and trained in mediation.  Our mediators understand the importance of listening and work closely with parties to facilitate a smooth and respectful mediation process

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